Blogs & Information about Sacred Soul Healing
As your intuitive support partner, I hold a deep presence allowing you to uproot ancestral, past life, and other types of trauma-causing blockages.
Our Soulful Seekers program gives you the consistency needed for maximizing this work and the energies available at this time, in our humanity's awakening and ascension.
Our personalized, individual sessions are designed to include such modalities as Somatic Alchemy, Energy Work, Breathwork, Divine Feminine Ministry, and/or Constellations or “fieldwork.”
A Mystery school is the keeper of teachings both ancient and those yet to come. A mystic experiences the Divine through direct revelation or gnosis and remembering through our embodied Divinity.
The work is done through a variety of multi-dimensional, integrative, and “bottom-up” modalities — meaning that we access wisdom through the body and intuitive wisdom as a gateway to our spiritual resources.
The best place to start would be a consultation to find out if this work is right for you. We have 30 minutes to discuss your path — using Zoom — unless you prefer to do this by phone or Facetime. We can discuss what approach might work best to address any issue.